Why study the Bible? When we read and meditate on His word we open the door to a deeper relationship with Him and find out how to honour Him in our daily lives. We can also come to know God’s plan in history, His sovereignty, His providence, His love and more.
If you’re not yet studying the Bible in a group, we invite you to join a small group/bible study and start on a journey towards a deeper knowledge of God’s word .
If you’re already studying in a group and seeking a more in-depth way of studying God’s word in your personal study time, the following resources can be of help.
7 Step-by-Step Bible Study Methods: https://www.olivetree.com/blog/7-step-bible-study-methods/
Bible Reading Plans: https://www.navigators.org/resource/bible-reading-plans
Bible Reading Plans and Study Tools: https://www.biblegateway.com/ + https://biblia.com/books/esv/Jn1.
Video based bible study: https://bibleproject.com/
Rightnow Media, a streaming library of over 20,000 bible study videos: https://www.rightnowmedia.org/