In-person or online, we invite you to join our Sunday gatherings.
Worship in-person
Join us in-person every Sunday at 11:00 am for a time of music, message and prayer. School-age children are welcome at Sunday school classes which take place during the message time in the second half of the service. Looking forward to meeting you!
Worship on-line
Sunday gatherings are livestreamed at 11:00 am. We also invite you to join our congregational prayer meeting at 9:30 am. Contact us to receive email notifications for online Sunday gatherings and prayer meetings.
What to expect:
Our service begins with a greeting and time of singing in a contemporary style with our worship band. Most people stand but please feel free to stay seated if this is more comfortable for you. Song lyrics are projected on the screen but don’t worry if you don’t know the songs and would prefer to listen. Prayer, a traditional hymn, a bible reading and a message from the pastor or speaker follow. On the 4th Sunday of every month there will be a communion service just after the praise and worship portion of the service.
Sunday School (JGCT Kids)
Beginners (First Look)
0-6 Years Old • Sundays 10:30am
Elementary (252 Kids)
7-11 Years Old • Sundays 10:30am
Junior High & High School (XP3)
12-17 Years Old • Sundays 11:30am